Технические науки

Китай, Гонконг

International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing

Научный журнал «International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing»

ISSN: 2306-5982

Языки издания: Английский

Учредитель периодического издания: Modern Education & Computer Science Press

International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing(IJEM) is a peer reviewed journal in the field of engineering and manufacturing. The journal is published 6 issues per year, and all papers will be blind reviewed. Accepted papers will be available on line (free access) and in printed version. No publication fee.
IJEM is a peer reviewed journal publishing refereed, high quality original research papers in all areas of engineering and manufacturing. IJEM is also an open access product focusing on publishing conference proceedings, enabling fast dissemination so that conference delegates can publish their papers in a dedicated online issue.
IJEM has been indexed by several world class databases: Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, Open Access Articles, Scirus, CNKI, CrossRef, JournalTOCs, etc...
The journal publishes original papers in the field of engineering and manufacturing covers, but not limited to the following scope:
Electronic Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Energy Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Agricultural Engineering
Bioinformatic Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Material Science and Technology
Physics and Engineering
Information Engineering
Management Engineering
Educational Technology
Computer Science
Software Engineering
Network Engineering
Communications Technology
Geographic Information Engineering
Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Modern Design Theory and Technology
Automation and Control
Environmental Engineering
Civil Engineering

Издательство: MECS Publisher

Контактная информация: Unit B, 13/F., Prat Commercial Building 17-19 Prat Avenue, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon Hong Kong

Эл. почта: ijem@mecs-press.org

Authors' Guidelines (0.01MB)

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